Witch Hazel Essence
by Pamela Storch
Witch Hazel Essence
Pamela Storch
Digital Art - Digital
This frequency art contains the vibrational essence of witch hazel. Taken from a frequency photograph of a witch hazel tree made in harmony with nature, and blended with elemental essence and imprinted energy work, it retains the properties of witch hazel itself. Astringent and very drying in nature, it is a great addition to any room or environment where too much moisture is present. Provides energetic support to those with skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and all conditions that benefit from witch hazel. Also aids in the "drying up" of intense emotions for those who struggle with finding emotional balance. Please use responsibly. Frequency art is never a substitute for medical or psychological care.
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September 16th, 2017
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